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Logo Design
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BarberShop Arts & Design
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Web Design Form
Personal information
So please take a moment to fill up this form. It will make our shared job easier, and help you know that we're taking the right path for you and your business.
Indicates required field
Phone Number
Line 1
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Zip Code
What do you like? Please attach references links to companies/products/services whose web site you like
What is the business name?
What is the deadline for the web site to be ready? (Date)
Example: 01/02/2023
Please write down a few words about the history of the business
Who are your competitors? * Everyone has competitors, and that's fine. We need to see what they look like and what they do in order for us to make sure your business web site looks unique.
Current Domain Name:
Have you ever managed a website?
Current Website Hosting Service:
What is your level of expertise?
Please Select
If yes please list the software and scripting languages used?
Facebook URL:
You Tube URL:
LinkedIn URL:
Other social media sites:
If you do not have any social media accounts, would you like them set up? If yes, list the social media sites that you would like set up.
Do you intend to manage your own website?
If yes would you like for SSP to provide the training?
Are there any other special features you would like added such as photo albums, slide shows, flash movies, blogging, e-commerce etc.?
If yes what would you like included?
What are your theme colors?
What is your target launch date?
Example: 01/02/2023
What is your budget? $:
Example: $800
Website Development Plan - Part 1: Objectives
Primary (Select all that apply.)
Advertising of programs/events
Selling programs/events/product
Providing customer service or support
Providing Program Information
Reinforcing Brand Image
Branding/Corporate Image
Secondary (Check all that apply)
Search Engine Friendliness
Repeat Traffic Generators
Viral Marketing Techniques
Loyalty Programs
Include Stickiness Elements
Meet the needs of all target markets
Meet and beat the competition
Convert web site visitors to physical visitors
Website Development Plan - Part 2: Your Market
Website Development Plan - Part 3: The needs of Your Target Market
check all that apply
The Media
Graduate Students
College Students
18 - 25
26 - 35
36 - 45
46 - 65
Existing and Potential Customers
Describe the needs of your market(s):
Website Development Plan - Part 4 - Plan Your Content
1. Brief description comprised of one or two paragraphs describing your organization or business.
3. Testimonials from clients, customers, or patrons.
5. List of answers to frequently asked questions.
7. Links to businesses, organizations, and other informational sites that are related to your business.
9. Create or improve slogan or tagline.
2. Detailed description of your business or organization history and goals.
4. Driving and public transportation directions to your physical location.
6. Contact Information – Hours of operation, email, USPS address, physical address,
8. Product/Services list with descriptions and prices.
Determine the fonts that are associated with your company’s branding. If you know the name of the fonts you prefer list them here:
If available, upload a copy of the font file:
Max file size: 1GB
Obtain a high-resolution digital image of your logo. We will accept all formats, although PSD, EPS, PDF, or Tiff is of the best quality.
Selecting Photography – select images that are professional looking and best represent your products and services. All digital formats and prints are accepted for use in the website design process. Please do not hesitate to send less than preferable images as we can most likely clean them up.
Upload your images here
Max file size: 1GB
If your logo requires artist recognition please provide that here:
Website Development Plan - Part 5: Navigation
Navigation is the most important design element of any website. To ensure visitor satisfaction and repeat traffic your site menu must be easy to use, streamlined, and logically organized. Upload a file with a list the pages by name and description that you would like to include in your website. This list will be used to create a site menu proposal.
Upload page list file
Max file size: 1GB
Website Development Plan - Part 6: General Layout
The designs below are generic layouts provided to better understand your vision of how the site should look. These will be used as guidelines in the template design process; however, you are not limited to these layout samples. Choose the layouts you prefer by clicking corresponding check boxes and provide comments in the space provided. Vertical lines indicate column dividers. Horizontal lines indicate header and footer.
Upload File
Max file size: 1GB
Choose your favorite layout:
Choose Any
Provide a list of website urls that best represent the overall style you envision for your website and list any particular features you would like incorporated in your site.
Marketing Your Website & SEO
An analysis of your competitor’s websites will be created with this information and assist in the design of your website. By researching both the positive and negative elements of your competitors web presence you can better ensure the success of your business online.
1.Create a list of all your Direct Competitors (both internet and brick & mortar)
3.Create a list of companies selling the same or similar products & services that you would not consider Direct Competitors, but rather up & coming competitors.
2.Create a list of the top 20 Search Engine Competitors
4. Create a list of Keywords up to 50 related to your business that may be used in a search engine.
These keywords will be used for meta-tag inclusion and should be specifically related to your organization, service, and products. It may be helpful to use the "file>view source" feature in your web browser to see the meta-tags used by your competitors that have successfully ranked in the top 20 of a keyword browser search.
Link Reciprocation
1. Write a brief form letter that may be used to email prospective websites to request they add an image or text linking to your site.
2. Make a list of all the websites that potentially will link to your site.
3. Include in your site design an area that includes logo images and linking instructions that visitors can easily capture and add to their website.
Enter information here:
Upload any other content here
Max file size: 1BG